TASHA Research Institute Africa has 5 projects of which you have a summary on this page.
For more information, please go to the page of each project.

  1. Advocacy and access to Justice: This is aimed helping communities know their rights protect and promote them and also be able to access justice.

  1. Promote alternative dispute resolution

  2. Community sensitization on access to Justice

  3. Relationship building between community and Judiciary

  4. Strengthening the legal, policy, and institutional frameworks.

  1. Research and development:
    is aimed at generating information to support evidence based
    programming and advocacy in the region but also provide a platform for
    improved access to information regarding the oil and gas and
    environmental sector

    1. Establish the Research and development portfolio

    2. Improve research and analysis skills among staff members through research, documentation, dissemination,

    3. Establish and develop a community library,

  1. Environmental conservation: is aimed at promoting sustainable use, exploitation and management of the already fragile environment that will be met through;

  1. Awareness creation

  2. Livelihood empowerment

  1. Partnership and Institutional development: involve developing systems and structures for effective functioning and development for the organization;

  1. Establish partnership and fundraising portfolio

  2. Improve organisation governance (conduct Board and committee meetings)

  3. Institutional Capacity building


       5. Defenders National coalition: it is A loose network formed to respond in appropriate time to needs of grass root defenders to run in Buliisa, Hoima, Kikuube and greator Masaka

It is composed of grass root organizations and independent defenders. The coalition act on behalf of individuals or group of Environmental and Human rights defenders facing threats and intimidation. The support provided by Coalition include Hiring Lawyers and medical doctors, securing safe house for defender’s relocation, physcosocial support/counselling, provide security trainings. The coalition builds the capacity of grassroots EHRDS to keep monitoring violations in more safe way and also the protection mechanism helps to promote narratives on the good work of EHRDS.